
Rockstar Games Registers A Domain Name

  • Release time:2016-10-21

  • Browse:38310

  • Are you a game-lover?Here is a news eranet preparing for you. 

    Do you like Rockstar Games? Recently, it has registered the domain name Red Dead Online. That can be determined by online whois records. The domain name was purchased by the game developer's parent company Take-Two Interactive.

    Earlier this week Rockstar Games officially announced the game Red Dead Redemption 2 following 2 days of artwork teasers for the game.In the recent announcement ,the development studio noted that the game would feature "a brand new multiplayer experience". It is likely that the registered domain name will be used to advertise that multiplayer experience.

    Now that Rockstar Games is likely to utilize the Red Dead Online brand ,it seems likely that the new Red Dead Redemption sequel will feature a smiliar multiplayer experience to Grand Theft Auto Online.

    In Grand Theft Auto Online players can purchase virtual currency known as GTA Dollars to buy ingame items and services.

    According to a recent Take-Two Interactive earnings conference call, the multiplayer game mode of Grand Theft Auto V was the biggest source of revenue the past fiscal quarter.

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