    QQ Online Consult
 Make sure that the software has been installed QQ
  24/7 Online Service Support
 Company Appearance and Geographic Location
  7X24-hour online service support
Business Dep
  reception center
Responsible to common business,receive your consultation and handle your task.

VIP client DEP
Host trust,make web page,virture dedicated machine,web solution etc.

Deputy Business DEP
contact,handle destribution agent business and consultation.

continual rent DEP
contact,handle continual rent business.
after-sale service and technical support
  Respone to your requirements about design and alter,help you to solve problems about service and operation  
finance selecting center
  Order selecting /alter,fax selecting,fund selecting confirmation.  
finance DEP
  Responsible to receive fax than input fund amount and fax selecting,fund selecting,finance invoice.
market DEP
  Responsible to various business,market planning,public relations and media contact.
web administrate DEP
  Responsible to handle problems about web,accept your advice and promotion.
hire resource DEP
  responsible to recruitment
client satisfaction supervition DEP
  Responsible to client complaints,collect advice,improve service quality.