
Eranet's traditional Chinese site win HKIRC Fifth Top 10 .hk Website

  • Release time:2014-04-24

  • Browse:34334

  • Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) announced 2013 Top 10 .hk Website Competition Award Presentation Ceremony in 2014-4-17. HKIRC aims to provide a platform let Hong Kong Company and organization share their experience about how to build a successful .HK website. 

    In this year, HKIRC add "highest honor prize" to each campaign group, and also add website security elements in order to wider the activities range.
    Eranet limited corporation win the Bronze Sponsors Award and the most Enthusiastic Participate Award. As we have won this award in the past four years and this is the fifth time we get this honor, we are very grateful for the honor of the prize and make more effort to help build .HK website in the future.

